Article 01001-11

Bryne Railway station

Article: Bianual for electronic art, Stavanger november 2008

A fibre-optic sound installation in collaboration with Maia Urstad.

Impulse Transmission to Bryne

Bryne train station – a stop at one of Jæren’s small villages. The wind is harsh against the cheek and the dark November morning weighs heavy on the soul. Schoolchildren on their way to school, mothers with prams and commuters wait patiently at the train station. Approaching the platform you notice a narrow passage with a glass roof. Urstad/Hauan Johnsen’s fibre optic sound installation, ”01001-11” is mounted beneath the glass. The installation is comprised of 30 yard´s of fibre optic cables with a hushed light-pulse combined with sound. The cables are gently draped in a soft curve under the glass roof. The wind strokes the delicate light-emitting cables and threatens to create havoc. In spite of darkness, cold and wind, travellers are met with a vibrant pulsating roof as they pass through the passage.

Text by Hege Tapio


Intervall 01001-100